Children’s Ministry


Our nursery is open and welcomes babies and toddlers during the 9:30 service.  Families who need care so they can attend adult Sunday School should contact Karyn Vaughn or Jean Baker.


Junior Church

Three weeks a month, children preschool through fourth grade are given the option to leave service after the opening songs and attend junior church.  In junior church, they share joys and concerns, pray together, learn the Lord’s Prayer and the Doxology, and participate in praise and worship songs.  The Bible story for the week is introduced and the group explores and story through games and activities.





Children in Worship

Once a month, all children stay in worship and we all worship together.  The children have an opportunity to practice and learn the traditions of the church, experience worship first hand with their church family, and feel like a real part of the church. 

Acolytes, Greeters, Ushers and Liturgists

Children second grade and up are invited to serve as acolytes after a short training.  Children of all ages are welcome to serve in worship as greeters, ushers, and liturgists alongside adults.




Children’s Music

All children are welcome to play handbells in worship once a month.  Occasionally, children will sing songs they have learned in Junior Church for the congregation.

Sunday School

Sunday School is offered after worship for all ages from 10:30-11:30  

Preschoolers through fourth graders begin together in exploring the Bible story introduced in Junior Church through learning centers.  They then split into groups by age to dig deeper into the story on their own developmental level.

Middle school (5th-8th grade) and high school students meet in Youth Rooms and explore the Bible through games, videos, Bible study and discussion.

All adults gather in the parlor for Bible study and discussion.  Each week is a new topic and you are welcome any time!

 Church Family Events

Monthly activities are held for the whole church family.  Some events in the past have been pajama parties, water days, escape rooms, prayer stations, soup in a jar service projects, game nights, paint and praise parties, bowling, trunk or treat, and camping trips.

Youth Group

In addition to Sunday School, fifth through twelfth graders participate in monthly activities together.  Past activities have including the ropes course, road rallies, Christian concerts, trips to the zoo, national youth conferences, lock ins, and service projects.